The Amazingly Random Gal Wealth Top 5

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The Amazingly Random Gal Wealth Top 5

Post by Mit »

i know its not just me whos noticed this, but isnt the gal weath top 5 on the front page just great fun? :] One day it seeems to show one group of ppl, who do seem to have quite a bit of gal wealth, the next day its completely different, with fooli showing in the top 5, despite never trading anything he couldnt do while smoking.

Its great :]

I have no idea what its doin :)

All that stuff is generated from the gal server occasionally through a bit of code i wrote while exceedingly drunk. I can no longer decipher it, and i suspect the only way i ever will is to achieve an equal level of drunkenness then debug it quickly before i fall off my chair. Im particularly amused by the way the top 5 is completely different from the top 50, which is generated using the same code. Supposedly.

My current guess is :
a) its completely broken
b) its working perfectly well but using a different concept of wealth
c) its working perfectly well on odd numbered dates
d) all of the above

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Post by Fooli »

It's a comedy piece of code and no mistake. I've decided to confuse it by earning some money from mining - now there's a job you can do when you're small...

Would it have anything to do with the constant gal reports of failed FTP uploads, and (more recently) failed FTP uploads owing to "unaligned file size"?

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Post by Mit »

quite possibly :]
if i knew what 'unaligned file size' actually meant id definitely be able to answer that.

perhaps theres two file sizes and they need to be arranged symetrically to the left and right of the main placemat.
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Post by Sonro »

been tellin ya for ages this was broken!

still dippin in from time to time and, have to say guys, I'm well impressed with the new game features. is looking mighty fine :)

hope you's both well...
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Post by Mishka »

I look at it every day and its fun. :D I also get happy when I appear there but the Top Players By Ship. But itc cool. :D
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Post by kb32a »

Has this been fixed? Seems to be working as of late.