Hi there!
MIT and Fooli already know that my world editor is not aligned properly in order to see all of the options for say terrain edit.
The Model converter is also messed up. By clicking quickly on the maximize button between each click I see that along the right hand side of the left menu section there are other tools.
However the work area (grey grid/model area) over laps a tad.
There is the button "Control: Camera" the button is cut off by the work area leaving Came.
Further, all those (x) (y) and (z) are seen anything to the right of that is over lapped. I can not select any of those buttons.
Here is the thing.
I have an LCD 17 inch monitor. With NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440.
I have already set my font to normal as per suggestion in an earlier thread.
I tried 16 bit, 32 bit - no difference.
I have tried resolution of 800 X 600 and every tick all the way to 1280 x 1024 still no good.
I have tried different themes, going with windows (old) style to using Win XP (which I loath by the way).
That is the limit of my knowledge on how to fix my monitor to (hopefully) use the World editor/Model converter, blah.
Any other suggestions on what to do?