Need help switiching to Star Systems
Need help switiching to Star Systems
As it says, I need help getting to a different star system. It's a bit hard.
For all the info you need goto and click the Guides, click Space Guide, will show you everything you need to know about getting around in space. Wish Magic would hurry up and get the user contribution area up, with links to it. I wrote this, and it seems no one knows about it.
No-one ever reads our help pages - to which I'll add some screenshots one day.
As far as I know the user guide stuff is going to take a little bit of development. Having said that, people can already submit guides manually and no-one does :) We're going to revamp the entire help section, anyway.
If you want to help people get into the game that can only be applauded. In my opinion the best thing you could do while Magic's working on the user submission stuff is to remove the registration stuff from your site so people can actually see whatever's there :)
As far as I know the user guide stuff is going to take a little bit of development. Having said that, people can already submit guides manually and no-one does :) We're going to revamp the entire help section, anyway.
If you want to help people get into the game that can only be applauded. In my opinion the best thing you could do while Magic's working on the user submission stuff is to remove the registration stuff from your site so people can actually see whatever's there :)