For some reason the game client which is linked directly to my world server is now without a gateway to the galaxy or chat server...
meaning I can't use it to access the galaxy and assign my world to an uninhabited planet...
I tried to add the servers by copying the IP and Port numbers from my main game client...
but everytime I reloaded it to try to get it to take ahold of the additions it would reset it back to the previous state...with only the the gateway to my world server...
So I moved on to try to edit the gateway.lst document under clients/data...
Did a little copy and paste from the corresponding document in my main game client data...
Same thing happen with that though...everytime I would load the client this doc would revert back to its original script...(and yes I did save the changes I made after the paste)
Currently when the client is opened it will straight to my world (without trying to connect to the galaxy)...from there if I choose to launch it will bring up the client start screen with the choices...server world...exit...
Going to server list brings up a menu that says...
'No connection with the galaxy server was esablished
You can access these planets directly until the server returns'
followed by a fipro type list with repub, sabrada, zion and mechzone listed...
but only the second two show a connection...
Any ideas on how to fix it?
(*fhko kicks his gatewaylist*)
When you start up the client does a "connecting to world" window pop up before first with a progress bar (Hey now that I notice it,it should say Connecting to Galaxy not connecting to world
If you see that,press abort (the window title should say "Galaxy List") and goto File->Reset Server Addresses List. If that doesn't work try adding the galaxy manualy from there.
I have a feeling that you went into your game client,went into small mode->view->gateways list->File->Gateways list. Past View->Gateways list. Seems to be a bugged menu in the past.
If all else fails re-installation might work...if not that,clean installation. (Deleting the folder Program Files/TheUniversal)
or wait for mit
When you start up the client does a "connecting to world" window pop up before first with a progress bar (Hey now that I notice it,it should say Connecting to Galaxy not connecting to world

If you see that,press abort (the window title should say "Galaxy List") and goto File->Reset Server Addresses List. If that doesn't work try adding the galaxy manualy from there.
I have a feeling that you went into your game client,went into small mode->view->gateways list->File->Gateways list. Past View->Gateways list. Seems to be a bugged menu in the past.
If all else fails re-installation might work...if not that,clean installation. (Deleting the folder Program Files/TheUniversal)
or wait for mit