Please note to all posting in board:
If you post a topic on graphical problems with the game (i.e you can't even see it) then please post a PC specification, including your DirectX Version. You can find this out by going to Start > Run and typing in 'dxdiag' (without quotes)
This will give ample information to poeple trying to help. Please also post any error messages recieved, this may help to reolve the problem.
Mit, mite be an idea to 'sticky' this :]
Please Read before Posting, if poss.
um, i would sticky it, matt, but generally i find gettng the pc specs and directx version is often the least useful bit of info.. ... I mean.. don't most help threads of that nature go .. what pc specs you got? yadedeaya... ok, what directx you got? .. yadeya.. ah ok. no idea then. have you tried updating your vid card drivers? :]