White dirtyspammer Pit?

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White dirtyspammer Pit?

Post by Gino »

Hi, when i click on 'continue game' on the main menu, it should take me to my dirtyspammer pit and have a view of space. Insead it's just a blank screen telling me controls for the space ship. What could be the problem?
Posts: 18
Joined: Sun Jan 23, 2005 3:21 pm

Post by Josh »

erm the same thing happened to me, wot it is ur stuck in the sun in a galaxy somewhere now u can either type !resetme and that will put u back in andromeda, galaxy with sabrada in, but u will have lost all of ur glalctic items eg imfp drive. Or u can wai for a techie/op to put u back
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Joined: Fri May 13, 2005 6:42 am

Post by Ast0reth »

Dude, that space in the title really threw me off and almost gave me the wrong impression of this game, haha.