Hi there, I'm behind a ISA Server, so what
Ports does this Game need to be opened?
PLZ Help me!
Greetz XStyhler
Connect with ISA Server
RE: Connect with ISA Server
In What Range should that Port be? UDP or TCP Ports?
the game generally uses only a UDP connection. (Tho TCP is used for any model or radio downloads that the world has setup to come from a webserver).
The client will choose a 'random' outgoing port provided by the sockets layer.. im not sure what an ISA server is exactly but if its something that won't let outgoing communications except on specific ports then you may be restricted from playing. Can you play other online games using that setup?
The client will choose a 'random' outgoing port provided by the sockets layer.. im not sure what an ISA server is exactly but if its something that won't let outgoing communications except on specific ports then you may be restricted from playing. Can you play other online games using that setup?
Connecting via ISA Server
I can join Online Games after opening the Ports.
ISA Server means: Internet Security and Acceleration
Its something like a Firewall.
So, what Ports exactly do I need?
ISA Server means: Internet Security and Acceleration
Its something like a Firewall.
So, what Ports exactly do I need?