i like the idea of a harder longer running zoric..more in depth......like grages for cars that require tune -ups...oil changes...tire changes ..ect......also hanges for planes...these types of building dont count toward max types..make it so u cant own a plane unless u rent or own a hanger or grage....or make it so people can steal ur cars while ur offline and lieave ur car sitting ..lol
i would like to see maufat...and indy..more complaxe..(harder to run)..like the farms seem to be. cars and planes should have wepons to...have safe areas that dont take damage....then have arears that u can blow eash other up..that would make it more fun for thouse that just got to shot something lol
Buildings like factorys shold requie more that planks to build to...well look forward to playing new zoric...
zoric 9 sugestions
Re: zoric 9 sugestions
copied to the topic thats already running
*flog you
*flog you